The Greatest Gift

When Four Thieves Steal a Prince
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A/N: Christmas preparations can get chaotic =_= sorry for the late update! Here's a really long chapter as an apology hope you like it!


"But hyung! Please! Do it for me just this once!" Taemin whined as he trudged behind Key who was sweeping the dusty floor of the cottage.

"Well...I don't know...Onew hyung would have my head if he were to ever find out." Kibum bit his lip and evaded eye-contact with the Prince, who was shooting him his best puppu-dog eyes to try and get the older male to comply with his request. Key had no clue why the Prince wanted to go back into town so desperately, and when he asked the younger he only replied with, 'It's a surprise!'

"Just for a couple of minutes! I'll even wear a cloak! No one there really knows what I look like anyways..." he pouted.

As much as the Prince hated using cute charms to get what he wanted, he knew it was neccessary with Minho's happiness on the line. After getting a bitter taste of Minho's tragic past, though he didn't know the details, Taemin just wanted to see the man genuinely smile for once. He didn't know when he started caring so much, but that didn't matter at the moment.  All that mattered to him right now was Minho.

After a couple of minutes to think, Key finally gave in with a sigh. "Well...alright but only for a little while. And always stick by my side, okay?"

Taemin grinned widely and flung his arms around the thief's neck. "Definitely! Thank you hyung!"





Later that afternoon...


Minho's chest heaved inwards as he took in another deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of the forest's pine trees. He rested his chin on top of his knees as he mindlessly tossed another pebble towards the river, making little ripples in the water. His face showed no tears, or signs of depression. His expression was only blank as he stared into the depths of the shallow liquid, his mind just telling itself to forget.

Forget his pain, forget his parents, forget his past.

The memories were too painful for him to lug around and weigh him down any longer. But for some reason, Minho just can't seem to let go and move on.

He sighed and kicked another unfortunate pebble towards the stream, just wanting this awful day to be done with.

"M-minho hyung?"

The man clenched his jaw as a familiar voice broke his peaceful silence. "Go away."

Taemin stayed a comfortable distance away from the thief, remembering his short temper from past experience. "L-look, I know you don't like this day particularly but--"

"I said go away. I want to be alone." he responded coldly.

The Prince frowned and brought a small box covered in brown paper out from behind his back. "But I--"

Minho stood up, his nostrils flared and his face red. "What part of 'go away' do you not understand?!" he yelled, causing the Prince to flinch. He huffed angrily and sat back down, burying his head in his knees.

Taemin sighed in defeat. The elder obviously wasn't going to give him the time of day, so instead of trying again the Prince laid the small, brown box on a flat rock next to thief, who didn't even notice as his head was turned away. "Happy birthday, hyung." he mumbled softly, then retreated back to the cottage.

It wasn't until Minho heard those words that he looked up and saw the present sitting by his foot. He furrowed his brow and turned his head to ask the Prince what it was, only to find that he had left as he requested. The thief shrugged and picked it up, shaking the box and looking at it in different angles to guess what it was. All he heard was a tiny clinking noise resonating against the inside of the wooden box.

Curiousity taking over him, Minho unwrapped the brown paper covering and lifted the lid of the box.

The item inside had the thief on the verge of tears.

It couldn't be. Minho thought, his glassy eyes widening as he lifted the object and brought it in front of his face.

"This was the pocketwatch my dad always carried with him...I drew it exactly how I remembered it." 

The watch was a hazy bronze color that glistened when the light hit its smooth surface, with the occasional chips on the sides that resulted from its antiquity.  It was no longer running, as the two hands on the clock sat still at the time of 5:25. There were no patterns or decorative designs, other than the small initials engraved on top as, "CJ."

Choi Jungho. Minho thought of his father as he watched the object dangle from the chain, still in awe that it was in his possession.

But he wondered, how did Taemin manage to get his hands on it?

Minho stood up and ran back towards the cottage, desperate for answers.

"Where's Taemin?!" he asked, a bit frantic as he bolted through the doors.

"In his room. Why? What's--"

Before the leader could even finish, Minho was already opening the door to the room and slamming it shut. Onew looked over to Jonghyun in confusion, but the younger only shrugged and continued making his sandwich.

Minho entered the room to find the Prince sitting cross-legged on his bed, casually reading a new novel Key got for him.

"You opened it. Did you like it?" he said with bright eyes and set his book down.

"Where did you find this?! H-how.... I-I don't...." he stuttered and sat on the bed, completely baffled that he couldn't even think right.

The Prince looked at his friend in concern. He scooched over and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before speaking. "That night we were at the orphanage...while you were saying goodbye to Mrs. Park and the kids, I looked around and saw a pawn shop nearby and looked at the window display. I didn't think it was it at first, since there could be a ton of other watches made just like it, but I remember looking at the picture you drew with the initials and everything...and decided to jump at the chance to get it." he explained, leaning his chin on Minho's shoulder.

"How did you manage to pay for it?" Minho asked, clutching the watch against his chest like it was the most precious item in the world. But in truth, it was.

"The owner charged a hefty fee, but I managed to trade the gold cufflinks my father got for me for your watch. You know, the ones I wore on the night of the ball."

"But...weren't those important to you?" Minho asked, feeling a bit bad for the Prince's sacrifice.

Taemin gave him a small smile and shrugged. "You're happiness was more important to me."

The Prince clapsed his hand over his mouth when he processed what he just said. "I-I mean...not in that sense that...we...I.."

Minho chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair, telling him that it was ok. Taemin pouted, a blush still hinting his chubby cheeks as the two sat in comfortable silence.

"I wonder did it end up in that store in the first place?" Taemin asked, leaning back on the bed and using his arms for support.

"Before he died, my father had to sell almost all of our possessions to pay off the bills for our farm." he sighed sadly.

Taemin nodded in un

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(WFTSAP) minor technical difficulties with the graphics...should be fixed soon :)


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 2: Meanie Minho ruining the ball...
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho and his merry men soon to meet the prince!!
Chapter 24: Happily ever after~ UWUU I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!! This is so romantic and beautiful~~ Your writing is very good!! I must read the sequel now.
Chapter 24: soo gooodddd
Chapter 24: I'm just crying so hard because this finished and I'M ING EMO TT
sooooo beautifullll thaaank youuuuuu
Chapter 25: That was the best 2min fantasy story I have ever read
Chapter 20: I swear if WooBin is the bad guy and Taemin dies i will scream